MrainW's Home

All things come to those who wait!




Hi, I am a self-motivated student pursuing a CS master’s degree. I have 3+ years of experience in Web Development, Database Handling, and Visualization. I’m a passionate learner who’s always willing to learn and work across technologies and domains. I love to explore new technologies and leverage them to solve real-life problems.

Technical Skills

  • Languages: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Python, SQL
  • Frameworks and Libraries: React, Next.js, Three.js, WebGL, Mongoose, Express, Tailwindcss, Springboot
  • Database: MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL
  • Other: Git, Docker, AWS, Linux, Regex, Azure, Postman, Figma, Jira, Trello

Professional Experience

Digital Clarity (Technologist Intern, Software engineer)

  • Leaded frontend interns to convert Figma design to web application using React and JavaScript
  • Migrated data from the relational database to PostgreSQL for higher performance
  • Improved responsive performance for mobile and tablet devices using Tailwindcss
  • Collaborated with the Klera group and developed an Azure engine to help the Roads and Transport Authority(Dubai) detect accidents

Research Experience

Real-time coronavirus detection | OpenCV, YOLOv4, CNN, CUDA, Numpy, Python

  • Developed a real-time coronavirus detection model by custom YOLOv4 model
  • Trained the model by coronavirus SEM images
  • Used OpenCV to deal with videos and Numpy for data manipulation
  • Achieved mean average precision of 89%

Parallel coordinate on a spiral surface | Three.js, WebGL, JavaScript, Nginx, AWS, Linux

  • Designed a 3D spiral architecture by Three.js and WebGL to display high dimension data with less cluttering
  • Texture mapped data to the architecture and deployed it to AWS EC2

Selected Projects

Amazon Clone | React, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Bootstrap, PayPal REST API

  • Built e-commerce website like Amazon by MERN stack
  • Designed REST APIs to manage the state of React application
  • Utilized MongoDB and Mongoose to save and retrieve data
  • Deployed by Heroku (

Facebook Clone | Next.js, Tailwindcss, Firebase, Facebook API

  • Utilized Next.js and Firebase to implement the web application like Facebook
  • Utilized Facebook API to log in to the application
  • Deployed by Vercel (

Lane marking detection | OpenCV, CUDA, Numpy, Git, Python

  • Developed a Hough transform module to fit the lane
  • Used OpenCV to deal with videos and Numpy for data manipulation
  • Used Canny edge detection to find the lane and ROI mask to focus on the lane
  • Collaborated with others through Git

Personal blog | Springboot, MySQL, Redis, Mybatis, Maven, Semantic UI, Docker

  • Built a personal blog website with user registration, blog post, and archives based on Springboot
  • Utilized Mybatis to provide support of database operations and Redis as a cache
  • Designed the front-end pages using Semantic UI components
  • Used docker to provide a consistent and isolated environment and deployed it to AWS EC2
  • Shared over 100 blogs about algorithms and data structure

Search your advisor | Flask, PyMySQL, XPath, Requests, Docker, Python

  • Developed a web application to help students search their research areas by interests
  • Used requests module and XPath to do web crawler
  • Utilized PyMySQL to provide support of database
  • Used docker to provide a consistent and isolated environment and deployed it to AWS EC2

Selected Awards

  • [2015]: 1st Prize, Mathematical modeling in Gaoxin Cup (Rank No.1)

  • [2015]: The First-Class Scholarship of Yokohama ( 1% )

  • [2015]: 1st Prize of Shandong Province, Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling(CUMCM)

  • [2016]: Honorable Mention, The International Mathematical Contest in Modeling(MCM)

  • [2016]: The First-Class Scholarship of Meichen ( 1% )

  • [2018]: Outstanding Graduate and Outstanding Graduation Thesis ( 2% )
